Resilient Podcast: Extraordinary Stories of Life's Most Formidable Challenges

Coming in 2024! Welcome to "Resilient", the podcast that delves deep into the subject of resilience with insight from experts, extraordinary stories of individuals who have faced life's most formidable challenges, and the latest research. Learn how to build endurance and grit during turbulent personal and global change.


You can also enjoy “Get Your Goat” Podcast. Join Peggie Koenig and Catherine Gryba as they chat with insightful people who have interesting change stories. Their guests range from all walks of life: artists, musicians, business people and fitness fanatics… but they have one thing in common: change.

Visit Get Your Goat Podcast»


Guest: Kaveri Braid

By anyone’s standard, Kaveri has achieved success in her professional career – and more than once. Kaveri tells us how self-talk can sabotage change at every turn. Knowing yourself – your strengths and weaknesses- makes it easier to bet on yourself.  And Kaveri has always bet on herself.

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Penney Murphy

Penney had a successful career as the co-host of the Brent and Penney Show on Rawlco Radio. Life was good but when she turned 35, she felt she needed a change. The whisper in her head go so loud that she had to listen to it. After two degrees and then a Masters in Social Work, her vision of what she wanted to do finally became clear

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Katrina German

Katrina is a leader in Canada in the tech industry. She was a partner in One Story, one of the top 15 start ups in Canada. Her company was on the rise.  Her clients were all over the world and she had business mentors in Toronto and Ottawa.  And then it changed. Katrina says she wouldn’t be where she is today without failure. She has built another successful business and talks to us about how she used her networks and her own personal resilience to get back on her feet

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